ActiveCrowdToolkit  0.1
CrowdsourcingModels.Results Class Reference


struct  NonTaskWorkerParameters

Public Member Functions

Results RunMajorityVote (IList< Datum > data, IList< Datum > fullData, bool calculateAccuracy, bool useVoteDistribution)
 Runs the majority vote method on the data. More...
Results RunDawidSkene (IList< Datum > data, IList< Datum > fullData, bool calculateAccuracy)
 Run Dawid-Skene on the data. More...
void RunBCC (string modelName, IList< Datum > data, IList< Datum > fullData, BCC model, RunMode mode, bool calculateAccuracy, int numCommunities=-1, bool serialize=false, bool serializeCommunityPosteriors=false)
void WriteBasicStatistics (StreamWriter writer)
virtual void WriteResults (StreamWriter writer, bool writeCommunityParameters, bool writeWorkerParameters, bool writeWorkerCommunities)
virtual void WriteAccuracy (StreamWriter writer)
double[,] GetConfusionMatrices (string workerId="", int communityIndex=-1)
Discrete getTaskTrueLabel (string taskId)
 Get True Label values of the given taskId More...

Static Public Member Functions

static double[] GetConfusionMatrixDiagonal (Vector[] confusionMatrixMean)
static void WriteConfusionMatrix (StreamWriter writer, string worker, Dirichlet[] confusionMatrix)
static void WriteWorkerConfusionMatrix (StreamWriter writer, string worker, double[,] confusionMatrix)
static void WriteWorkerConfusionMatrix (StreamWriter writer, string worker, Vector[] confusionMatrix)
static string GetModelName (string dataset, RunType runType, TaskSelectionMethod taskSelectionMetric, WorkerSelectionMethod workerSelectionMetric, bool online, int taskSamples=-1, int workerSamples=-1, int numCommunities=-1)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void ClearResults ()
virtual void UpdateResults (BCCPosteriors posteriors, RunMode mode)
virtual void UpdateAccuracy ()
 Updates the accuracy using the current results. More...


Dictionary< string, Discrete > TrueLabel [get, protected set]
 The posterior of the true label for each task. More...
Dictionary< string, Discrete > LookAheadTrueLabel [get, protected set]
 The predicted label for each task when doing simulations from the current model state. It avoids overwriting the true label posterior. More...
Dictionary< string, Discrete > TrueLabelConstraint [get, protected set]
 The posterior for the constraint that allows online learning for the true label variable. More...
Dictionary< string, int?> PredictedLabel [get, protected set]
 The predicted label for each task More...
Dirichlet BackgroundLabelProb [get, protected set]
 The probabilities that generate the true label of all the tasks. More...
Dictionary< string, Dirichlet[]> WorkerConfusionMatrix [get, protected set]
 The posterior of the confusion matrix of each worker. More...
Dictionary< string, Vector[]> WorkerConfusionMatrixMean [get, protected set]
 The mean of the posterior of the confusion matrix of each worker. More...
Dictionary< string, Dirichlet[]> LookAheadWorkerConfusionMatrix [get, protected set]
 The look-ahead posterior of the confusion matrix of each worker obtained after simulating a new label in look-ahead run mode. More...
Dictionary< string, Dictionary< string, Discrete > > WorkerPrediction [get, protected set]
 The predictive probabilities of the labels produced by each worker. More...
Dictionary< string, Discrete > WorkerCommunity [get, protected set]
 The community membership probabilities of each worker. More...
Dirichlet[][] CommunityConfusionMatrix [get, protected set]
 The confusion matrix of each community. More...
VectorGaussian[][] CommunityScoreMatrix [get, protected set]
 The score matrix of each community. More...
Dictionary< string, VectorGaussian[]> WorkerScoreMatrixConstraint [get, protected set]
 The posterior for the constraint that allows online learning for worker confusion matrices int the community model. More...
Dirichlet CommunityProb [get, protected set]
 The probabilities that generate the community memberships of all the workers. More...
Dictionary< string, Discrete > CommunityConstraint [get, protected set]
 The posterior for the constraint that allows online learning for community membership. int the community model. More...
Bernoulli ModelEvidence [get, protected set]
 Model evidence. More...
DataMapping Mapping [get, set]
 The data mapping. More...
DataMapping FullMapping [get, set]
 The full data mapping. More...
Dictionary< string, int?> GoldLabels [get, protected set]
 The gold labels of each task. The gold label type is nullable to support the (usual) situation where the is no labels. More...
double Accuracy [get]
 The accuracy of the current true label predictions. More...
double WorkerLabelAccuracy [get, protected set]
 The accuracy of the worker labels. More...
double NegativeLogProb [get]
 The negative log probability density (NLPD) scores of the current true label predictions. More...
double AvgRecall [get]
 The average recall of the current true label predictions. More...
double[,] ModelConfusionMatrix [get]
 The confusion matrix of the predicted true labels against the gold labels The rows are the gold labels and the columns are the predicted labels. More...
bool IsCommunityModel [get]
 Flags whether the model instance is CBCC (true) or BCC (false). More...
bool IsTimeModel [get]
 Flags whether the model instance is a BCC time model (true) or not (false). More...
bool IsTimeMultimodeModel [get]
 Flags whether the model instance is a BCC time model (true) or not (false). More...
bool IsTimeTaskPropensityModel [get]
int CommunityCount [get]
 The number of communities. More...
ConfusionMatrix ResultsConfusionMatrixForBinaryLabels [get]
ReceiverOperatingCharacteristic RocCurve [get]

Detailed Description

Results class containing posteriors and predictions.

Member Function Documentation

double [,] CrowdsourcingModels.Results.GetConfusionMatrices ( string  workerId = "",
int  communityIndex = -1 

workerIdif the workerId is null and communityIndex > -1, return the community confusion matrix; otherwise return the worker confusion matrix
Discrete CrowdsourcingModels.Results.getTaskTrueLabel ( string  taskId)

Get True Label values of the given taskId

Results CrowdsourcingModels.Results.RunDawidSkene ( IList< Datum data,
IList< Datum fullData,
bool  calculateAccuracy 

Run Dawid-Skene on the data.

dataThe data.
calculateAccuracyWhether to calculate accuracy
A results instance
Results CrowdsourcingModels.Results.RunMajorityVote ( IList< Datum data,
IList< Datum fullData,
bool  calculateAccuracy,
bool  useVoteDistribution 

Runs the majority vote method on the data.

dataThe data
calculateAccuracyCompute the accuracy (true).
useVoteDistributionThe true label is sampled from the vote distribution (true) or it is taken as the mode of the vote counts (false). In the latter case, ties are broken by sampling from the most voted classes.
The updated results
virtual void CrowdsourcingModels.Results.UpdateAccuracy ( )

Updates the accuracy using the current results.

Property Documentation

double CrowdsourcingModels.Results.Accuracy

The accuracy of the current true label predictions.

double CrowdsourcingModels.Results.AvgRecall

The average recall of the current true label predictions.

Dirichlet CrowdsourcingModels.Results.BackgroundLabelProb
getprotected set

The probabilities that generate the true label of all the tasks.

Dirichlet [][] CrowdsourcingModels.Results.CommunityConfusionMatrix
getprotected set

The confusion matrix of each community.

Dictionary<string, Discrete> CrowdsourcingModels.Results.CommunityConstraint
getprotected set

The posterior for the constraint that allows online learning for community membership. int the community model.

int CrowdsourcingModels.Results.CommunityCount

The number of communities.

Dirichlet CrowdsourcingModels.Results.CommunityProb
getprotected set

The probabilities that generate the community memberships of all the workers.

VectorGaussian [][] CrowdsourcingModels.Results.CommunityScoreMatrix
getprotected set

The score matrix of each community.

DataMapping CrowdsourcingModels.Results.FullMapping

The full data mapping.

Dictionary<string, int?> CrowdsourcingModels.Results.GoldLabels
getprotected set

The gold labels of each task. The gold label type is nullable to support the (usual) situation where the is no labels.

bool CrowdsourcingModels.Results.IsCommunityModel

Flags whether the model instance is CBCC (true) or BCC (false).

bool CrowdsourcingModels.Results.IsTimeModel

Flags whether the model instance is a BCC time model (true) or not (false).

bool CrowdsourcingModels.Results.IsTimeMultimodeModel

Flags whether the model instance is a BCC time model (true) or not (false).

Dictionary<string, Discrete> CrowdsourcingModels.Results.LookAheadTrueLabel
getprotected set

The predicted label for each task when doing simulations from the current model state. It avoids overwriting the true label posterior.

Dictionary<string, Dirichlet[]> CrowdsourcingModels.Results.LookAheadWorkerConfusionMatrix
getprotected set

The look-ahead posterior of the confusion matrix of each worker obtained after simulating a new label in look-ahead run mode.

DataMapping CrowdsourcingModels.Results.Mapping

The data mapping.

double [,] CrowdsourcingModels.Results.ModelConfusionMatrix

The confusion matrix of the predicted true labels against the gold labels The rows are the gold labels and the columns are the predicted labels.

Bernoulli CrowdsourcingModels.Results.ModelEvidence
getprotected set

Model evidence.

double CrowdsourcingModels.Results.NegativeLogProb

The negative log probability density (NLPD) scores of the current true label predictions.

Dictionary<string, int?> CrowdsourcingModels.Results.PredictedLabel
getprotected set

The predicted label for each task

Dictionary<string, Discrete> CrowdsourcingModels.Results.TrueLabel
getprotected set

The posterior of the true label for each task.

Dictionary<string, Discrete> CrowdsourcingModels.Results.TrueLabelConstraint
getprotected set

The posterior for the constraint that allows online learning for the true label variable.

Dictionary<string, Discrete> CrowdsourcingModels.Results.WorkerCommunity
getprotected set

The community membership probabilities of each worker.

Dictionary<string, Dirichlet[]> CrowdsourcingModels.Results.WorkerConfusionMatrix
getprotected set

The posterior of the confusion matrix of each worker.

Dictionary<string, Vector[]> CrowdsourcingModels.Results.WorkerConfusionMatrixMean
getprotected set

The mean of the posterior of the confusion matrix of each worker.

double CrowdsourcingModels.Results.WorkerLabelAccuracy
getprotected set

The accuracy of the worker labels.

Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Discrete> > CrowdsourcingModels.Results.WorkerPrediction
getprotected set

The predictive probabilities of the labels produced by each worker.

Dictionary<string, VectorGaussian[]> CrowdsourcingModels.Results.WorkerScoreMatrixConstraint
getprotected set

The posterior for the constraint that allows online learning for worker confusion matrices int the community model.

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