ActiveCrowdToolkit  0.1
CrowdsourcingModels.BCCPosteriors Class Reference

The BCC posteriors class. More...

Inheritance diagram for CrowdsourcingModels.BCCPosteriors:

Public Attributes

Dirichlet BackgroundLabelProb
 The probabilities that generate the true labels of all the tasks. More...
Discrete[] TrueLabel
 The probabilities of the true label of each task. More...
Dirichlet[][] WorkerConfusionMatrix
 The Dirichlet parameters of the confusion matrix of each worker. More...
Discrete[][] WorkerPrediction
 The predictive probabilities of the worker's labels. More...
Discrete[] TrueLabelConstraint
 The true label constraint used in online training. More...
Bernoulli Evidence
 The model evidence. More...

Detailed Description

The BCC posteriors class.

Member Data Documentation

Dirichlet CrowdsourcingModels.BCCPosteriors.BackgroundLabelProb

The probabilities that generate the true labels of all the tasks.

Bernoulli CrowdsourcingModels.BCCPosteriors.Evidence

The model evidence.

Discrete [] CrowdsourcingModels.BCCPosteriors.TrueLabel

The probabilities of the true label of each task.

Discrete [] CrowdsourcingModels.BCCPosteriors.TrueLabelConstraint

The true label constraint used in online training.

Dirichlet [][] CrowdsourcingModels.BCCPosteriors.WorkerConfusionMatrix

The Dirichlet parameters of the confusion matrix of each worker.

Discrete [][] CrowdsourcingModels.BCCPosteriors.WorkerPrediction

The predictive probabilities of the worker's labels.

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